Healthy Lifestyle

By Rosalinda R. Morgan, Author of “The Zigzag Road”

When it comes to your heart, it’s never too soon to start taking care of your health. Making small changes and smarter choices can have a big impact, helping you to feel better, healthier, and happier every day.

Stay agile at every age – You don’t have to be super fit to maintain mobility as you age. A new study shows that the more light activity you engage in now (think gardening, walking, or even shopping), the less likely you are to be sidelined by immobility in your later years, regardless of how much high-intensity exercise you do. Try to hit a goal of 30 minutes of exercise a day, 5 days a week to strengthen your heart and keep it healthier.

Get your ZZZs – Sleep gives your body the rest it needs to recharge and destress. Set a bedtime and a nightly routine to unwind so you enjoy at least 7 hours of healthy sleep.

Book an annual physical – Don’t skip out on your annual check-up. One of the best ways to prevent heart disease is by monitoring your cholesterol, blood pressure, body mass index, and blood glucose levels and discussing your risk level with your doctor.

You are what you eat. Fill your kitchen with mostly nutritious foods (veggies, fruits, whole grains, lean proteins, healthy fats) but leave a little room for in moderation. Stay away from salty food which can contribute to kidney disease and heart problems.

Calm your mind. Listening to a favorite song can lift your spirit, studies say and they’ll be raised higher if you sing along. Singing has been shown to increase oxytocin which helps regulate anxiety and decrease cortisol, the stress hormone.

Do a quick declutter. Messy environments have been linked to anxiety and stress. 

Smile, even when you don’t feel like it. It seems to affect positive change in your mood.

Lighten up. Enjoy life. Smile more. Laugh more. Don’t get so worked up about things.

Stop and smell the roses. Here is a Sedona Rose for you today!

A Few Suggestions to Stay Healthy

By: Rosalinda Morgan

Author, Saving Wentworth Hall

Here are a few suggestions to stay healthy. I’ve been practicing healthy habits since I’m in my early 40s, and it shows because, at this last quarter stage of my life, I have no health issues and do not take any prescription drugs.

Dementia is one issue affecting the elderly. As you get old, you seem to forget things. Losing your keys is a minor sign, but if you keep forgetting something or forget what you said constantly, you should begin to worry. Walking, doing the crossword puzzle, cooking, and reading keep your brain active. I read a lot, write quite a bit, and am an editor of two quarterly newsletters. Exercise or any physical activity will increase your brain’s protective proteins and lower your risk of developing dementia. I also take time to garden – taking care of my 60 roses and plenty of annuals, perennials, and shrubs. 

If you are a couch potato and watch TV for more than four hours, you will likely have a blood clot. Sitting too long in front of the computer will do the same thing. Stand up, do something else. Stay away from the screen. Take a break every 30 minutes from your computer to increase your blink rate. Staring at your computer screen makes you blink less, leaving your eyes dry and itchy. Focusing too hard on the screen can cause headaches, fatigue, and blurred vision.

You only have one set of eyes, and you should protect them. Eat yellow and dark leafy vegetables high in lutein and zeaxanthin to help protect the eyes from damages that could lead to vision loss. I take PreserVision eye vitamins to supplement my diet. Studies also show that taking 7,000 steps five days a week can lower glaucoma risk by 73 percent.

Be selective with the food you eat. Eat food that helps lower your cholesterol. Avoid foods high in saturated fat because they will raise cholesterol levels in your blood. This excess cholesterol builds a waxy substance on the walls of your arteries and reduces or blocks the blood flow to your heart.

Have a positive outlook in life. Look into the brighter side of things. Stop worrying about things you can not control.

Until next time. Stop and smell the roses. Here is one for you!  

Celestial Night – a floribunda. Beautiful and fragrant!

Super Food for Better Health

By: Rosalinda Morgan

Author, Saving Wentworth Hall

Let’s start the New Year with a goal to stay healthy and avoid catching the virus. Let’s begin with healthy food to sustain us in this challenging time. Here are some of my favorite superfoods for better health.

  1. Broccoli – It’s loaded with vitamin C, carotenoids, vitamin K, and folate. Steam until it’s bright green and just tender. Some people hate broccoli, but it is the best vegetable around. Add a sprinkle of parmesan cheese and a spritz of fresh lemon juice if you like. When my kids were young, most of their friends hated broccoli, but my children loved them. They told their friends, I cooked the best broccoli. The secret: I sauteed them and sprinkled some soy sauce, pepper, ground garlic, and onions, adding a little water until it was bright green. That was simple, and the kids loved it.
  2. Sweet Potatoes – Sweet potatoes are nutritional superstars. They are loaded with carotenoids and are a good source of potassium and fiber. Toss sweet potato wedges with a bit of olive oil and roast until tender and lightly browned. I remember growing up snacking on just boiled sweet potatoes. Plain!
  3. Leafy greens. – Don’t miss out on powerhouses like kale, collards, spinach, mustard greens, and Swiss chard. These stand-out leafy greens are loaded with vitamins A, C, and K, folate, potassium, magnesium, calcium, iron, and fiber. Saute in olive oil with minced garlic and season with ground black pepper and red wine vinegar.
  4. Garbanzo beans are rich in protein, fiber, copper, folate, iron, magnesium, potassium, and zinc. But garbanzos (chickpeas) stand out because they’re so versatile. Look for no-salt-added varieties in cartons. Add a handful to your tossed salad, or stir them into your vegetable stews, curries, and soups. I sauteed them with some onions, and they were delicious.
  5. Mangoes – A cup of mango supplies roughly 100% of a day’s vitamin C, a third of a day’s vitamin A, a decent dose of blood-pressure-lowering potassium, and three grams of fiber. I miss those yellow ones that grow in the Philippines. Those are the best!
  6. Avocado – Another tropical fruit that I love. Avocado is a rich source of several B Vitamins, Vitamin K, Vitamin C, Vitamin E, and potassium. Avocados also contain phytosterols and carotenoids, such as lutein and zeaxanthin, which are good for the eyes.
  7. Watermelon – It’s a heavy-weight in the nutrient department. A standard serving (about 2 cups) has a third of a day’s vitamins A and C., a nice shot of potassium, and a healthy dose of lycopene, all for only 90 calories. And when they’re in season, watermelons are often locally grown, which means they may have a smaller carbon footprint than some other fruits.
  8. Wild Salmon – Fatty fish like salmon, which are rich in omega-3 fats, may help reduce the risk of heart attacks and strokes. And many types of wild-caught salmon are more sustainable than farmed salmon. We have salmon once a week. I sprinkle some herb and olive oil and bake them for 30 minutes at 375 degrees F.

So there you have them. Always remember, you are what you eat. I’ve been practicing good eating habits since the ‘70s, and it shows. I’m very healthy, have no health issues, and do not take any meds.

Aside from eating healthy, stop and smell the roses to keep stress at bay. Here’s a beautiful rose for you:

Nicole – An award-winning floribunda growing in front of my house in New York.

A Rose (Veterans’ Honor) and a Tip for a Happy, Healthy and Successful Life




Rose:   Veterans’ Honor

Class:   Hybrid Tea, 1999

Fragrant: Yes


Parentage – Seedling x Royalty (Hybrid Tea, Jelly, 1976)


Veteran’s Honor rose is a beautiful red hybrid tea rose that is a fitting tribute to our men and women in uniform who are serving our nation.


It was bred and introduced in 1997 by Dr. Keith W. Zary as City of Newcastle.  Registration name is JACopper.  It was introduced by Jackson & Perkins Co. in 2000 as “Lady in Red.”  It is also known as Five Roses.


The dark red buds of “Veteran’s Honor” rose open into gorgeous high centered blooms that are bright red to start with, with turning to tones of pink as they age.  It grows to 4’ to 6’ tall.


If you like red rose, this is the rose to plant.  The blooms are stunning. They average 5″ to 5.5” with a 25-30 petal count and blooms repeatedly throughout the season.  Petals are thick and velvety.  Stem length is 18″-22″ and the foliage is dark-green, semi-glossy.  This is a great red rose but it needs some winter protection in zone 7 and below.  It is a great bloomer and nice cut rose.  It can be trained as a standard and can be grown in containers but it need winter protection.


The rose flowers have a fruity raspberry rose fragrance and they are known to last for two weeks in a flower vase.  The only flaw is it is susceptible to blackspot but what hybrid tea is not.  It is high maintenance but the beauty and the fragrance of the blooms make up for the trouble.


Tip #1 – Stop and Smell the Roses


Until Next time. Stop and Smell the Roses

Rosalinda R Morgan

Author & Garden Writer

A Time for Reflection

A Time for Reflection

 In a frenetic atmosphere we live today, we are bound to have a heart attack unless we change our ways. Everywhere you look, everyone is rushing. Everyone is stressed out. Few years ago, I was one of those people whose life was in a constant whirlpool of activities until I moved south. While I was an accountant in the 90s, I worked 70 hours a week at the office and more at home because I took work home. On top of that, I still had to worry about housework – dinner on the table every night and cleaning the house. I also maintained a big garden to keep my sanity intact and some volunteer work I loved to be involved in. By the end of winter, my body could not take it any longer. After the holidays, I don’t feel well having a chest pain and then hives. It is like a ritual that I always went to the doctor in winter because I thought I was having a heart attack. The doctor could not find anything wrong with me. All tests showed everything was normal. I was just stressed out.

We bought a place in South Carolina facing a lake and found our place quite calming. I planted a small garden with five roses. Five years later, I have about 50 roses. I now have time to smell the roses. It was then that I realized that my life had been so stressful. We don’t realize how stressful our lives are until we stop doing what we are doing. Life on the fast lane is not worth a thing if it jeopardized your health. There are other alternatives. A friend of mine used to live in a rural area and was offered a job in a big city. After weighing the pros and cons, she opted to remain in a rural area because she believed that the way of life in a big city was not worth it.

We don’t realize how stressful we are until illness hit us. Our body is telling us something. We think everything is doing quite well as long as we are making a lot of money which in essence is blood money. As long as you are able to buy all the material things you we want, we think everything is fine and dandy. On the surface, we think we are happy but it is not true. All the material things we have do not necessary make us happy. It is all for show trying to keep up with the Joneses. Our inner peace is what will make us happy and will make us live longer.

Until Next time. Stop and Smell the Roses

Rosalinda R Morgan

Author & Garden Writer